SVORTO s.r.o., Prague

The company was founded in 1991 as an association of natural persons. In 1999 it was transformed into svorto s.r.o. Since the beginning, we have been engaged in the production and distribution of orthopaedic, sports and serial shoe inserts, as well as the production and distribution of orthopaedic aids, semi-finished products for prosthetics and shoe accessories for healthy comfortable walking.
Other activities include repairs and adjustments of serial and orthopaedic footwear and the manufacture of individual and orthopaedic insoles on the prescription of a doctor - covered by health insurance companies. The company's novelty are insoles moulded in imprint form exactly according to the impression of the sole of the foot directly on the customer's foot. In two company stores, the company offers a wide range of footwear, accessories and services for comfortable and healthy walking. The goods are distributed to most medical stores, facilities and pharmacies in the Czech Republic. Part of the production is exported to several European and non-European countries.

svorto s.r.o., Praha
Radek Smeták – Managing Director
Průběžná 787/30, 100 00 Praha 10
Tel./fax: +420 241 740 339, mob.: +420 777 308 104

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