An organisation of employers active in textile, clothing and leather production and other related activities in the Czech Republic, founded in May 1990. Members are mainly manufacturers, but also research institutes, schools and business organisations. ATOK is a member of the Confederation of Employers' and Business Associations of the Czech Republic (KZPS) and participates in the meetings of the Council for Economic and Social Agreement (RHSD - tripartite).
It represents and defends the interests of the Czech textile, clothing and leather industry and establishes and develops bilateral relations with partners at home and abroad.
It strives for social reconciliation in the sector and concludes a higher level collective agreement, advocates a closer link between education and the production needs of companies, strengthens the perception of the sector as a promising industry at home and abroad. It facilitates the orientation of its members in business activities and, if necessary, provides protection, assistance and advice on technical, organisational, social and legal issues. It publishes a professional journal e-ATOK Revue and other industry publications.
At the European level, it is a member of the European Apparel and Textile Confederation (EURATEX), where it actively participates in setting the conditions for sustainable textile and clothing production. To this end, the ATOK has a Platform for Circular Economy.
It advocates the presentation of Czech producers on foreign markets. It facilitates contacts in foreign trade, provides information on global innovations, and has been and is involved in a number of international projects within the EU.
Membership in organisations:
- European Apparel and Textile Confederation (EURATEX)
- Confederation of Employers and Business Associations of the Czech Republic (KZPS)
- Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic (CC CR)
- Cluster of Technical Textiles (CLUTEX)
- Czech Technology Platform for Textiles (CTPT)
- SOTEX GINETEX CZ - Association for Labelling of Textiles, Clothing and Leather Products
- Czech Footwear and Leather Association (CFA)
- Association of Laundries and Dry Cleaners of the Czech Republic (APaČ)
- Linen and Hemp Association of the Czech Republic (SLK)
Cooperation agreements:
- Trade Fairs Brno, a.s. (BVV)
- Association of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic (SP ČR)
- Gesamtverband Textil+Mode (GTMI)
- Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (VTI)
- The China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)
- Taiwan Textile Federation (TTF)
- Manufacturers Association of Israel (MAI)
Address and contacts:
Association of the Textile, Clothing and Leather Industry (ATOK)
Těšnov 5, 110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 222 361 880
Executive Director, Mgr. Jiří Česal
Tel.: +420 222 361 880